Coaching With


The ultimate hands-on 16-week mentorship to confidently take you from $0 to $5k months in your health coaching business so you change lives making money and go full-time coaching.

No more drowning in imposter syndrome & chaos trying to do it on your own.


Coaching With


The ultimate hands-on 16-week mentorship to confidently take you from $0 to $5k months in your health coaching business so you change lives making money and go full-time coaching.

No more drowning in imposter syndrome & chaos trying to do it on your own.


The overthinking
stops here.

Let me guess…


You're a new health coach, balancing a job & busy life with family while pouring so much energy into & struggling with what you should do, to get started with coaching. So much that you're not actually doing anything to grow your coaching business.

You’re ready to turn your passion into profit, but you have no idea where to start, and the idea of doing it feels exhausting and so out of reach, right?

Look, I am sure you’ve been sent cold dms plenty of times from business coaches (that aren’t even in the health coaching industry anymore or following you for that matter) and they’re promising you an “easy” way to make cash fast.

Inside CWC, We will always keep it real with you.  You’re about to work harder than you’ve ever worked in your life, and with the strategy and guidance we’re about to give you, your entire life is changing, babe.


Before you read any further, if you’re wanting fast cash, this is your que to exit. If you’re ready to change lives (and your own), keep reading.

Now that we’ve got that out the way, take a moment and realize that you are sitting here trying to do it all on your own. It’s literally wasting your precious time, energy and money.

The faster you get support, the faster you will have a profitable coaching business you love. The quicker you’ll be able to help thousands of lives.

Imagine if you...


  • Honored your passion and believed in what YOU have to offer, not just your certifications.
  • Changes lives with an offer you felt so confident about and you woke up to daily stripe payouts
  • Showed up on social media with strategy that actually attracts dream clients. No more posting just to post and check things off a to-do list.
  • Understood sales psychology, how to talk to your ideal clients in an authentic way that has them jumping to pay you.

Imagine if you...


  • Honored your passion and believed in what YOU have to offer, not just your certifications.
  • Changes lives with an offer you felt so confident about and you woke up to daily stripe payouts
  • Showed up on social media with strategy that actually attracts dream clients. No more posting just to post and check things off a to-do list.
  • Understood sales psychology, how to talk to your ideal clients in an authentic way that has them jumping to pay you.

I was stuck hard –

for years.


When I got started six years ago I focused on the certification, website, logo, fancy name, growing my following… overthinking all my ideas. This kept me stuck under $5k months for a year.

Fast forward and I’ve helped dozens of coaches bypass all the mistakes I made and hit their first $5k month within months of launching their coaching business.

We’re taking you with us to the next level.

So if in the next 120+ days,

you are ready to…

  • Create stellar client programs backed by real facts and results to transform your clients' lives, so your reputation and your client list grow exponentially.
  • Have former clients consistently referring you to their friends because what you taught them ACTUALLY WORKED.
  • Take your mindset and confidence to the next level so you can have the same high-vibe energy that the most successful health and wellness coaches give off.
  • Master marketing, lead generation, and an effective sales strategy to fill your roster with clients who are dying to work with you, without spending hours on Instagram, piecing together strategies we could poke holes in.
  • Go full-time coaching with the mindset & skills of a 6-figure boss so you’re ready to overcome any obstacle that’s been holding you back and shine among your competitors.
  • Have a clear business plan and growth strategies to make 2024 your year of total alignment & abundance, without sacrificing your life outside of work.

If you want these dreams to become a tangible reality,


*Grab the mic and blast Shania Twain.*

We’re taking you with us to the next level.

So if in the next 120+ days,

you are ready to…

  • Create stellar client programs backed by real facts and results to transform your clients' lives, so your reputation and your client list grow exponentially.
  • Have former clients consistently referring you to their friends because what you taught them ACTUALLY WORKED.
  • Take your mindset and confidence to the next level so you can have the same high-vibe energy that the most successful health and wellness coaches give off.
  • Master marketing, lead generation, and an effective sales strategy to fill your roster with clients who are dying to work with you, without spending hours on Instagram, piecing together strategies we could poke holes in.
  • Go full-time coaching with the mindset & skills of a 6-figure boss so you’re ready to overcome any obstacle that’s been holding you back and shine among your competitors.
  • Have a clear business plan and growth strategies to make 2024 your year of total alignment & abundance, without sacrificing your life outside of work.

If you want these dreams to become a tangible reality,


*Grab the mic and blast Shania Twain.*

We are in the field just like you running a multi-6 figure health coaching business giving us an advantage to understand what is working and what is not.  


 Coaching With



and we will set you up for long term success


 Coaching With



and we will set you up for long term success

  • 90 minute 1-1 Onboarding Kick Off Call: where we will get clear on your signature offer, ideal client & map out our business plan with clear deliverables + deadlines to ensure your business is scaling and you are signing clients.
  • Daily Unlimited 1-1 Slack Support: to answer any questions and touch base on a regular basis so you are never alone in this journey and always have the support to evolve
  • Weekly Check ins: reminding you of exactly what you need to be doing and pin pointing any struggles . With every problem you may occur we will have a solution or two
  • Bi-weekly 1-1 calls: To support you through your first 120 days, you’ll have bi-weekly, personalized 1-1 calls. Each 40+ minute session will be packed with insights and implementable action steps based on what YOU are struggling with, helping you create your vision and turn it into reality. Extra calls will be available if needed.
And you'll get lifetime access into our: 
yes you read that right🙌🏻

  • Community Slack Group: Our community is there for you when you need us. You can be a part of something bigger (specifically, a very large group chat filled with incredibly motivated women). Reach out for support Sunday-Friday or use your strengths and experiences to help others in the community.
  • Monthly Group Zoom Call: Our regular Zoom calls provide a fantastic opportunity to network and share experiences with other coaches who are on their business journies. Subject-matter experts deliver practical strategies on topics ranging from mastering sales calls to personal branding. You’ll have lifetime access to these community calls so you can continually grow and develop your skills overtime.
  • Coaching with Confidence Course

A look inside the CWC course 

A look inside the CWC course 

Now this program is clearly valued at a huge price.

Think about it…

How would your life change if you were consistently making $5k+ months coaching online?

Yes, business mentorships can be pretty pricey and if you do your research you'll notice they typically range from $7,000-15,000.

At CWC we want to make it EXTREMELY doable for you to make your investment back within the first month which is why we are confident you'll love and be happy with the investment.


Don’t let us do all the talking.

Let’s get real…

What are the members inside of CWC saying?


Ditch the trial and error for a proven blueprint that has helped close to a 100 coaches go from 0 to $5k months.

Quick intro…

 hi, I’m Meg...

teacher turned serial entrepreneur, founder of the Positively Fit Community and Coaching With Confidence. I built PFC from scratch almost six years ago and turned it into a 6 figure health coaching business while becoming the best and happiest version of myself. Now I thrive on coaching women like you how to do the same! We are dedicated to your success in the health coaching field.

We are going to help you take the guesswork out of growing your business and give you PROVEN strategies that we’ve all used and perfected throughout our 5+ years of industry experience.

Hi, I’m Nikki,

Your business mentor, accountability coach  & hype woman.

As a personal trainer of over 7 years, ten years in the fitness industry and certification across the board. I can still remember being in your exact position. I’ve invested thousands myself into different  business mentors and that’s the reason why I’ve dedicated my life to helping coaches scale their own health business. I will first handedly guide you through building that dream business, ready to change 

The Nitty Gritty FAQs

Oh, and your


walk the walk…

Our coaches are as committed to their own personal growth and development as they are to yours. We are continuously gaining more education and working with our own coaches to grow personally and professionally. We wouldn’t suggest investing in coaching if we didn’t experience the effects of having one ourselves.

In addition to getting coached regularly, all of us ladies also are always learning more, carefully watching industry news to help you filter what’s true and what’s B.S., and improving our programs so we can better support you.

"The best investment you can make is in yourself."


We can’t wait to meet you!

If you have questions about Coaching With Confidence, please dm us